During the last two years I and sure that there has been a substantial increase in those who are fascinated by rubber.

I base this on my wife’s observation while wearing her black rubber mackintosh. Before I married her she had never even heard of rubber fetishism, or even worn a black rubber raincoat. Now she wears one quite often even when I am not with her.

On four occasions in the last six months she has been approached by men who have made it quite obvious that they are fascinated by her. One of them, a floor manager of a large departmental store in Plymouth, asked if he could join her at a table and quite openly said how much he admired her mackintosh. My wife says she must admit she enjoys the sensation of having men captivated by her mackintoshed figure and feels very much in control.

If there is any woman who has not taken the plunge and started to wear these garments in public she says they don’t know what they are missing.

From my point of view I love seeing her in public almost as much as our ‘private’ rubber sessions.

– D.H.S. (Cornwall). (ACS 319)