
Firstly, may I congratulate you on A25 and 26, plus the fascinating Supplements. You have, indeed, set yourselves very high standards and it must be rewarding to see your efforts bearing real fruit through the obvious interest and enthusiasm generated by active correspondence and contributions. Continue reading “Inflatables”

Underwater Bondage

One of my favourite outfits is a two piece suit, purchased at a local surplus dealer, made for the U.S. forces in green rubber. It comprises high rise trousers with braces and an anorak with peaked hood. The material is fairly stiff and is green rubber outside and black rubber inside. Continue reading “Underwater Bondage”

Ladies In Rubber

How very wrong your correspondent was to say that rubber is only liked by men. As you rightly say in Supplement 14 you now have some beautiful reasons to show that he is wrong. The enthusiasm with which ‘’Vroomska’ pulls on waders over her latex suit and her rubber gown over it and … wow! The truth is better than fiction! And now comes Mrs. ‘M’ elegantly strapped up in black rubber, together with the talented and cool Miss T.D. in her shiny bondage. “About four hours is the maximum” she says. Only someone who has experienced tight bondage in rubber will know what a marathon that really is. Continue reading “Ladies In Rubber”