Reaction To Leather

I love wearing leather which I came to quite late in life, and I find that I never want to take it off. Now and again I even sleep in it. In contrast, I have more of a love-hate relationship with rubber. It’s very exciting when I am sexually aroused, but I usually find that when the means has fulfilled the end I want to get out of it, even if previously I’ve turned myself on by imagining I would be made to wear it all night. Continue reading “Reaction To Leather”

Dream Come True

People nearly always say how difficult and sometimes impossible it is for men to tell their wives about their feelings and involvement with rubber. I know that we, the female sex, appear to be the minority, but has anyone any idea how it is for a wife to tell her husband how much rubber means to her? It’s far more difficult for a woman to tell a man, particularly one who thinks that he is a great lover and being just that is all she needs for her sexual satisfaction. Most men seem to think that only they need fantasies to stimulate them. Continue reading “Dream Come True”