It seems to me that you have two sorts of readers, a conclusion I have come to after reading every issue of your very honest, natural magazine so different from all the hoards of colourful, expensive, sexual rubbish you see in almost every bookshop these days. The first group are those who like to wear and be seen wearing rubber, leather and vinyl outdoors. The second group are those who like to close and lock the door, draw the curtains and then dress up to please themselves and their close friends. Continue reading “Readers’ Games”
Two Skins
Have any of your readers thought of a suit made of leather, lined with latex? This could be great. I would suggest a red leather outer suit, a two piece, jacket and pants, lined with deep red latex. This would give the wearer a double special feeling, and protection and should be very smart. Continue reading “Two Skins”
Contrasts are enjoyable. A girl wearing a mackintosh and waders is all the lovelier if she is sitting on the sea front alongside others who wear bikinis and cotton dresses. Going to an agricultural show by bike may mean she arrives among other young beauties clad in black leather. So we enjoy the sight of her, strapped for the afternoon into that encasing scented, creaking suit and boots, when her friends roll up their sweater sleeves and lie about on the grass in faded jeans and sandals. Continue reading “Contrasts”
During the last two years I and sure that there has been a substantial increase in those who are fascinated by rubber. Continue reading “Attraction”