Robert, in his column in A28 (page 7) asked a very pertinent question about the problems of wearing rubber suits. I think, as the author of ‘The Willing Servant’, in your supplement I am well placed to try and answer the questions. In the first part, the ‘wants of nature’ … my suit has a lockable, zip pouch and allows for this function although when I am going to have a session, especially if it is to be a long one, then I take care during the previous day or two to limit my intake. Also in the case of the full week-end sessions, I had to prepare very carefully, because there was, like Robert’s suit, no way of attending to a major function.
As far as perspiration is concerned, this is a problem and for this reason I much prefer late evening or winter times and have always taken care to see that the cell was never overheated. In fact I erred on the cooler side if possible. It is true that in hotter times, in summer the feet are a problem, and I solved this by making small pin holes in the toes of my suit; in this way and wearing the over booty which are porous, the water leaves the toes and is soaked into the outer boot. Gloves, too, are a problem especially when tightly strapped to file wrists. I have to admit that I have, on many occasions during sessions, had to ask Madame if I could change a pair of gloves. (I usually had about three pairs in my kit).
– W.S. (Hants)