I recently obtained for the first time a copy of “Rubberist” (No. 4) and felt I should like to express my appreciation. The wading picture on page 5 by Tony G. are superb – just what I like – and I would like to congratulate and thank him for them. I have been a “wader” for 25 years and in all that time I have only met one other enthusiast, so it was great to know there are others about. I like and wear all kinds of rubber. The smell is lovely, but my first love is rubber boots, preferably wet, and they still rate tops with me. I spent my first wage packet on a pair of boots. They were called “Rockbusters” and I think the family car got washed more than necessary as I enjoyed getting them wet.

I was not able to take up wading properly until I left home and also got a motor bike and, living in Yorkshire at that time, found some great private places up on the moors where I could enjoy myself. For wading I have worn both knee boots and waders, with breeches, denims, tight trousers, army pants and (great fun) Naval bell bottoms outside boots. I always wear rubber socks, rubber briefs and rubber singlet underneath.

I use a car now as I am into my 50’s and a spare plastic mac is a necessity to keep the seats dry now that cars are all soft upholstery.

On a warm day it is lovely to drive with water in your boots. Living at the seaside I like to go out at night and wade in the sea. Due to the surge of the sea and unexpected holes in the sand you can suddenly go from knee-deep to waist-deep which is great fun.

As waders get a bit unmanageable in the sea, I prefer knee boots and stretch breeches. The boots are easily emptied to go home if you wear breeches and, of course, I like them worn over rubber undergarments. In this cold weather I wear my gear in the shower for a bit of fun.

I could spend all day watching building workers wearing their rubber boots in the mud. One on my happiest memories is seeing a group of them hosing down their boots at the end of the day, all those wet flashing boots – lovely!

– T. R. (Isle of Man).